What a crazy Friday night at Fusion…

On Friday I went to Fusion at Tufts University along with Carro, Thanh, Katy, Yelei, and new youth Eric. It was hosted by the Asian American Alliance at Tufts which includes one of our very own old A-VOYCE members, Terence Tran. For those who did not go to the event or stayed for the whole thing, you missed out because it was a blast!

When I first came through the doors, I was a little nervous and intimidated with the fact that everyone was a college student. I suddenly got over my fear by seeing familiar faces, so don’t worry when you come to events like these!

The artists of the night were awesome!

Papersky, http://www.myspace.com/paperskymusic
“Papersky is a four piece band with backgrounds from both the US and Japan. Brian, Kenta, Hiroshi, and Nathan all attended the same international high school in Tokyo, Japan. They all attended University in the Boston area and formed Papersky in summer of 2006.”
They were completely awesome and their performance made me appreciate rock music more. Thanh won their CD through a raffle and I acted like such a fan girl to get their autographs! So You can check the CD out the next time you come in. I decided to donate the CD to A-VOYCE. We can start a CD collection of Asian Artists.

Terence Tran
He only performed one piece which he wrote a couple of days before. He truly amazes me too. Does anyone else notices that his voice changes when he raps?

Regie Cobico
, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FAt_5spJRSw
is a spoken word artist who is Filipino and gay. He definitely reminded me of Alan. The content he writes about is not child friendly so only listen if you are 17+! His works definitely made me laugh.

Magnetic North, http://www.myspace.com/magnetichiphop
“Magnetic North is the hip hop duo known for moving your body as well as your synapses.”
Ah! The performance in which I was looking forward to the most. I only came to this event to see them perform live, and in the end I gained perspective of all these different artists. They are an inspiration to me because of the songs that they write and sing about Asian America. You should check their music out if you haven’t already.
I really want their cd + tshirt, my birthday is on May 16 just fyi. haha

Tim be Told, http://www.myspace.com/timbetold
Last act of the night. Tim be Told was awesome! I never heard a group like them. They are a combination of Jason Mraz and Maroon 5, but the lead singer’s voice is much more powerful. Their performance was very strong and I believe by the end of the night everyone bought their CD. They were definitely the artists of the night.

I did not get home until 1:30am. I know it’s late but it was well worth it!

I want to end this entry with saying that when opportunities arise and these events happen, I suggest taking the time out of your life to come to them and you will definitely learn something about your self and your Asian identity. Each time I go to events which feature Asian American/Asian artists, I think about how hard it must be to break into the market. I admire their hard work and dedication to express themselves through music and spoken word. You never seen Asians going into the music/art field and that is why this is an amazing feat. I suggest listening to “do what you love,” a song by Magnetic North.

Please Check out all of these wonderful artists!!

A-VOYCE Civic Engagement Chair